1 research outputs found

    Head-mounted displays and dynamic text presentation to aid reading in macular disease

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    The majority of individuals living with significant sight loss have residual vision which can be enhanced using low vision aids. Smart glasses and smartphone-based headsets, both increasing in prevalence, are proposed as a low vision aid platform. Three novel tests for measuring the visibility of displays to partially sighted users are described, along with a questionnaire for assessing subjective preference. Most individuals tested, save those with the weakest vision, were able to see and read from both a smart glasses screen and a smartphone screen mounted in a headset. The scheme for biomimetic scrolling, a text presentation strategy which translates natural eye movement into text movement, is described. It is found to enable the normally sighted to read at a rate five times that of continuous scrolling and is faster than rapid serial visual presentation for individuals with macular disease. With text presentation on the smart glasses optimised to the user, individuals with macular disease read on average 65% faster than when using their habitual optical aid. It is concluded that this aid demonstrates clear benefit over the commonly used devices and is thus recommended for further development towards widespread availability